1 x vision, 3 x brands, 10 x sites, £2m+ community impact!

The Wimbletech CIC project began in October 2013 to solve a really simple problem. I had funding for a mobile app startup, and was (struggling) working from a combination of coffee shops across London + a small rented room in Wimbledon (aka “The Appcave”). I needed an affordable, local space to call ‘home’ – a space shared with like-minded others, within which we could burn the midnight oil, drink huge amounts of coffee + help each other to grow – professionally + personally…
I took to the streets and after lots of searching I found an under-used meeting room above Wimbledon Library – Libraries need additional ways to generate revenue, awareness and footfall. It was perfect, they could help us, we could help them, together we would be stronger!
David Fletcher – Founder & CEO
We now work with Libraries, Councils & Community Builders, to cost-effectively transform under-utilised space & the local, community experience. We’ve generated over £1million in new income for libraries and our partners, helped local economies to thrive (spending and job creation), have hosted nearly 1 thousand community events and have provided affordable, happy spaces for thousands of individuals living and increasingly working, locally. The world is brighter, when we work and shine together.

Why libraries matter – 5live
David discussed the future of libraries on 5Live with presenter Nicky Campbell – forward to 44mins52 secs