Events space
If you are a local Community organisation or group in need of affordable space to hold or host your events + Meetups, we’d love to hear from you – if your activities, events or experiences are free for the Community, we may be able to help by offering our space for free – check out our spaces, see if there’s one that’s suitable and get in touch today #togetherwearestronger!

Do you have a special talent that you’d like to showcase in your local community? Access a network of performance spaces across London… test / showcase your unique talents + we’ll help with the Marketing to help you raise your profile (+ if possible) make you a few ££’s while doing so!

Do you or your organisation offer a product, service or activity that helps improve wellness? If the answer is yes, we’d love to hear from you. Promote your products / services to our Network of 400+ Members across 10x sites + join our Community + Wellness events!

Do you make, create or craft… are you interested in sharing your skills & displaying / selling your ‘Makes’ through our Network of Members + local Libraries? Let’s work together to find new ways to bring new & traditional skills / techniques to local Communities, and at the same time raise the profile of Makers + their ‘makes’ 🙂

Volunteers’ Network
If you are interested in supporting your local library or even the Wimbletech CIC Project (our Digital Hubs or Physical Sites) – we’d love to hear from you #togetherwearestronger 🙂